
6 Cute and Easy Hat Hairstyles

Baseball hats are a popular accessory that can add a sporty and casual touch to your look. Whether you're heading to a baseball game, running errands, or simply want to add some flair to [...]


I’m Amber, a 30 something year old wife and mama. I have two wonderful children, Aiden and Brielle, and an incredibly supportive and hardworking husband. I live in Fenton, Michigan and am a Central Michigan University alumni where I studied public health education and health promotion. I’m fueled by coffee, re-energized with yoga, love a good mind-clearing run, gardening, creating recipes in the kitchen and unwinding with a glass of wine.

Most of my days are spent in graphic tee’s, a top knot and yoga pants, playing cars, babywearing, kissing boo boo’s and cleaning sticky fingers and faces. Despite some days being tedious and draining, I wouldn’t trade it for the world as this time is fleeting and so very precious. I strive to teach my children kindness, acceptance and to value others differences, especially in these tumultuous time. I believe that more kindness and empathy can do this world a lot of good and much of that starts at home with our children.

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