With fall mornings on the horizon, I’m finding that the cooler and darker mornings make getting out of my warm and cozy bed a bit more of a daunting task. When I stick to a morning routine and take a few important steps, my mornings are SO much better and productive. Starting the day on a good foot is so important for starting my day on a positive note and keeping it going throughout the entire day.
Below are 9 Ways to Jumpstart Your Day:
I hate starting my morning on a rush, but having two kids 3 and under makes most mornings pretty hectic. Ideally, waking up a bit before everyone else is such a peaceful way to start the day. I love waking and having a few moments to myself before the craziness of the day starts.
Taking 10 minutes to stretch with an early morning yoga routine gets the blood flowing and energizes. Also, stretching is perfect for giving a little jumpstart to your metabolism.
Hot water, lemon and honey are an amazing morning drink to not only get you going, but to help boost your immune system. Bonus: use local honey to help boost your response to seasonal allergies. I usually chug a big cool glass of water afterwards as well and then enjoy my morning coffee.
Open The Blinds
The first thing when I wake up is open all the blinds (and windows too if weather permits) in the house. Natural sunlight cues my body to wake up and get moving, plus sunshine always helps encourage a happier mood.
Top 3
I like planning out my days, but don’t want to overwhelm myself from the get go with a to do list a mile long. I prioritize my top 3 “must get done” items on my daily to do list. If I’m able to cross off more than those 3 items then it’s great, but if not, I can at least feel as though my day is starting productively. Being a stay at home working mom with two kiddos means that I need to be prepared for anything (sickness, impromptu playdates, tantrums, messes…you know the drill), so prioritizing my list is a must!
Jam Some Tunes
Crank up that music and get moving! Good tunes raise your spirits and can get you moving when you are sluggish in the morning. I’ll crank up the music during breakfast and it helps motivate me to get things tidied up.
Get Dressed
Ditch the PJ’s and put on some “real” clothes. Getting out my pajamas sets the tone to stop lounging and get some work done. Even though I don’t work out of the home, real clothes makes me feel more productive and presentable, just like if I were leaving the house for a regular workday.
Make The Bed/Tidy Up
A dirty space drives me crazy and will definitely hinder my productivity. I like to take 15 minutes to tidy up in the morning and at least make our bed and clean up my work area. Having a clean space let’s my mind focus on the things that really matter without the dirty distractions pulling me away from my work.
Hearty Breakfast
You always hear everyone exclaiming that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it’s so true! A hearty, protein-filled breakfast gets your metabolism moving and keeps you energized throughout the day. I love popping the new Jimmy Dean 9 oz. Breakfast Bowls into the microwave in the morning for a tasty and filling breakfast to start my day.
They have so many yummy varieties to choose from such as Burrito Breakfast Bowl, Loaded Potato Breakfast Bowl and Ranchero Steak & Eggs Bowl. With premium ingredients and decadent sauces there is something for everyone in the family! Each Jimmy Dean 9 oz. Breakfast Bowl has at least 21 grams of proteins to keep you satisfied and energized through the morning.
We pick them up on our weekly Meijer shopping trip (in the frozen food aisle) to make mornings easier and take out the hassle of figuring out breakfast for everyone in the family. Check here to find your closest Meijer and pick some up pronto!
My routine is similar except for the solitude which sounds AMAZING! Sounds like I need to set my alarm earlier 😉 great post.
Definitely a morning person! My children and hubby are night owls and that leaves my mornings as my own! I love starting the day being able to get myself ready for the day.
I’m a morning person, but like you with small kids around even my sparkly start can get a bit jaded! Some great ideas here, x
Starting your day in a positive way definitely sets the tone for the rest of it!
Yes to a little solitude! And those bowls look yummy!