Global Running Day is coming up next week on Wednesday, June 1, 2016! Global Running Day began in 2009 when it was initially known as National Running Day (but has now evolved to Global Running Day). Global Running Day is always held the first Wednesday of June and is a way to join runners of all different ages and abilities to celebrate a sport that changes lives daily.
This year marks the fist year of the Million Kid Run, which hopes to have a million kids around the world pledge to run on June 1st. The Million Kid Run aims to make fitness fun and to inspire kids to get and stay healthy through running. Participating and pledging for the run is super easy to do. Simply make a pledge on the Global Running Day website. The run can be any distance and type. The goal is simply to get kids (and adults) out and moving.
I LOVE seeing movements like this as I’m a public health graduate and wellness initiatives always grab my attention. With childhood obesity becoming a growing epidemic, we need to address our sedentary lifestyles and make efforts to change our lifestyles. Did you know that childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years? Nearly 1 in 3 children (ages 2-19) in the United States is overweight or obese, putting them at risk for serious health problems (short and long term). With decreased recess time and more screen-time, kids are moving less than ever before. Getting our kids physically active every day is so incredibly important for their long term health.
In honor of this event, I’ve teamed up with a group of fitness fanatics and runners to answer a few questions about one of our favorite things: running!
Why do you run? I run for SO many reasons! I obviously love the fitness factor of it, but I absolutely love that I can unwind while running. It gives my brain a chance to decompress and unwind. Being a SAHM, it’s rarely (never?) quiet at my house. I feel like running gives me a chance to just breathe and focus on myself for a short period. I’m happier mom, wife and woman when I get a chance to zone out during a run.
How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day? Hopefully it will be a nice evening and I can get a run in after my hubs gets home from work! Since little Miss B is only 4 months old, I can’t yet run with the her (talk about putting a damper on my running).
How many miles have you run so far this year? Do you have a mileage goal for the year? I started running again about Mid-March, once I was cleared to exercise after giving birth. I’ve been getting in about 10 miles a week since then so about 100-110 miles the last two months. It’s taken some time to get back endurance after this last pregnancy and even more difficult because I can’t run with the kids yet. Once Brielle is big enough for stroller runs, I’ll easily double or triple that amount. Although we don’t run, I do at least get a 3-4 mile brisk walk pushing the stroller daily (60+ extra pounds). As for a mileage goal, I’d just be happy to be able to run the CRIM without feeling like I’m dying and to improve my pace, over a certain distance. I would love to complete a half marathon someday, but not sure about this year.
What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year? I’d like to do the CRIM (10 mile) this year, but a lot will depend on how I feel as I increase my running and time. There is a great 10k (Back Roads Half Marathon and 10k/5k) in the fall that I love doing. I’ll definitely do that and a few 5k’s throughout late summer and fall.
Before I leave for a run I must have: Music! I hate running without music! It’s an absolute for me. It definitely gets me moving and in my happy place.
Do you track your runs? If so what do you use? I usually use RunKeeper as I find it’s pretty accurate and easy to use. If its a treadmill run, I don’t log via RunKeeper and usually just let my Fitbit keep track of my steps.
Who is your favorite running partner? I’d say my husband, but we never get to run together anymore because someone is usually watching the kids while one of us runs or the kids are with me in the jogging stroller. Honestly, I run solo 99% of the time. I do love my running mom facebook groups and Instagram fit fam, though!
What races have you run so far this year? None. I was pregnant and on rest the beginning of the year. Now that I’m gaining endurance and strength, I’ll be signing up for some races soon. I’m getting that itch to compete!
If you have to give someone one piece of advice about running, what would it be? Take it one day at a time! I remember how I HATED running when I first started, but over time I’ve really learned to love it. Some runs will suck, some will be great, but any run is better than none. Also, stop comparing yourself to others. I’ve had a hard time with this one because I’m not a natural fast runner. As much as I wish I was, it just does not come easy to me and I have to work my butt off to increase my pace (but it’s so worth it!).
Describe your relationship with running in one word: Recharging! I ALWAYS feel better after a run in mind, body and spirit.
I enjoyed running when I was younger, and I am trying to get back into it as an adult after having a baby. I don’t run nearly as far as you though. Good for you! I didn’t realize June 1st was national running day, but it’s perfect because I will be doing a stroller fit class that day with lots of running.
Great interview! I love the TenMiler race distance. It my absolute favorite!
Congrats on the growing family!
I am not a natural born runner and I try very hard to not compare myself to faster runners, and some days I do better than others. But overall I’m just happy to be running and to call myself a runner!
Love this! I’m halfway through with my pregnancy and my running is starting to majorly slow, but I love how versatile and calming it is still. Running is the best!
Yes!!!! I love running and I sometimes hate it 🙂 Thank you for posting. Keep on running <3.
I don’t run but I can walk and walk and walk.
Yeah! I look forward to getting more miles in this year as well!
oh gosh you make me wanna run again!! I need to have something that records audio to catch my thoughts because I think too much!!
I wish I could get into running. This is awesome. You seem to really enjoy it.
What a fun infographic:). I’m always envious of people who love to run. I have tried so hard to love it, and even trained for a full year and completed a half marathon. I just can’t seem to love it. I will say though, that I love the feeling of accomplishment when I am done, I love the scenery on some routes, and I love the hardware from races. I just wished I actually enjoyed it. Maybe I’ll dust off the shoes for Global Running Day though :).
Such inspiration! I just started a running program (for the hundredth time) and am actually sticking to it. I look forward to it every day now.
I love that your husband is your favorite running partner! I wish my fiance would run, it would be fun to have that in common. I am a runner but I am not a natural born runner. In fact, I have only been running for four year. I started after I had lost 60 pounds and I wanted to speed the process to lose more weight. I fell in love with running! Now I cannot imagine my life without it!
I am NOT a naturally gifted athlete. I can barely walk without tripping over my own two feet. But, I have learned I can run…not necessarily fast,but I can run and I can fun far 😉 Like you, it took me a while to learn to love running (and there still are some days where it is not so fun), but it has taught me so much about perseverance and endurance!
good for you! i’m not a big fan of running, hurts my knees but admire people who do
You started running for many of the same reasons that I did! Being a SAHM is not easy sometimes but I wouldn’t trade my memories for anything. Nice to meet you in the link up
Great post! I’m a SAHD who picked up running when I met my wife. It’s amazing the things you will do when you meet that special someone. I also run better with music and agree some runs do suck but I rarely regret my runs after I’ve finished them.
I’ve never really enjoyed running but I envy people who do! I’m always impressed with people who do those long marathons.
Even though I’ve been running for a couple of years now, I still don’t feel like I get to call myself a runner because I still do a lot of walking. I did PR my latest 5K, though and I have another race this Sunday!!
I love that infographic! I hope you had a great Global Running Day!