Teething. Teething is a dirty word in our house. The type of word that makes me want to run, cry, and cuddle my little babe all at the same time. Any been there, done that mom is probably cringing at the images and memories that come with that word. Sleepless nights, so.much.drool., biting (ouch…especially if you’re nursing), crying and fussiness. It’s a time that’s not fun for anyone.
When my son was a baby, I swear that he teethed forever. He was growing pearls in his mouth. Months and months would go by and he would have swollen gums and we’d think that his teeth were finally coming through and then it’d come to a standstill again. Finally at one year, he got his first tooth. Now that we’ve been through his, we’re now dealing with teething with our daughter. She’s been teething terrible lately and I’ve been doing all I can to help alleviate her pain. One of the major things that I’ve found to help is teething biscuits made from baby rice cereal.
Below is a simple recipe for teething biscuits, using items that you most likely have in your house.
Homemade Teething Biscuits
- 1 cup Gerber cereal rice or multigrain
- 1 cup flour I prefer wheat
- 1 mashed banana
- 2 Tbsp canola or coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- splash vanilla extract
- 4 Tbsp water
- Preheat oven to 400.
- Add all dry ingredients together and mix well.
- Add mashed banana, vanilla, oil (if using coconut oil, warm until it is a liquid) and water to dry ingredients and mix well until a dough forms. I find using my hands is easiest.
- Roll out until a 1/4 inch thick. Cut into shapes using cookie cutters. Place on parchment paper and bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden in color.
- Cool completely and store in an airtight container.
As you can see below, she loves them! Actually, we all do! Baby, toddler, mama and dad all gobbled these up through the day. They remind me of a blander banana bread. I love that they are low in sugar and calories, so I can feel guilt free when the kiddos eat a few at a time. Plus, all the nutrients from baby cereal allows me to fuel their body and brain as well.
I’m definitely making these ASAP for my little guy! And how fun are the cute heart shapes!? Love it!
I never thought of making these at home! Great recipe!!!!
Wow great recipe! Teething is so hard.
Ooh!! I will have to try these!! My guy is starting foods soon and he already chews on EVERYTHING. Thank you!
I wish I knew about these when my baby was younger!
This is genuis!!!
Wow this is awesome! And so cute too!
Where has this recipe been hiding? My little guy is 3 and loves cookies. I’m going to make these instead! They’re healthier and he’ll still think he’s getting his “cookies”. This is completely awesome
I am totally going to try this recipe! My youngest is just starting to teeth, and I love making his food at home!
I LOVE this idea! I can’t wait to make these for my little guy when he starts teething!
These are AMAZING! My little loves them, her big sis thinks she is getting cookies, I love that they are healthier. I also love that it is another easy to use all that extra cereal we have.
Anyway to compensate with using the baby fruits/veggies in the recipe?
To be honest, I’m not sure! The original recipe produces a pretty tough cookie for teething that doesn’t break easy. If you try substituting, let me know! 🙂
I put actual baby food, I doubled the recipe and did 2 jars one strawberry banana one peAR. If you think about it all it is is mashed up fruit with water