This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central.
I have a confession and I’m sure that many of you can relate:
In the transition to becoming a mom (especially to two little ones), my own health and well-being has been moved to the back burner. It’s finally caught up to me and too many days lately I’ve felt like I was barely keeping afloat. When you mix in the stress of taking care of kids, renovating a home, keeping up with the blog and trying to not let the house be a complete disaster (thank goodness, for a helpful hubby but he’s go-go-go too), something had to give and unfortunately it was me taking any time for self-care. Putting my own needs and health on the back burner was leading me to burn out.
I’ve realized that being an unhealthy mama was making me not be a “great” mama. I haven’t had energy, had a case of the “blahs” and just really needed to put my own health and happiness into perspective. Below are a few of the things I’m doing (or will be doing) to help put a little bit more health and pep back into my life and create a bit more mind & body balance. Many of these are simple and easy practices that you can align easily into your every day lives without adding yet another task to your to-do list.
Get Enough Sleep
I know, this is sometimes easier said than done. The dishes and laundry really can wait and take-out or picnic style dinners are okay occasionally, when you are desperate to sneak in some extra sleep. There’s been many nights that I go to bed right after the kiddos are down. Sleep is so important to let your body refuel, heal and for mental health too. Sleep is my number one grumpy causing culprit. This mama needs her sleep or everyone is miserable.
Take Your Vitamins
I find that when I take my vitamins regularly, I generally feel healthier and more energized. Nature Made® is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended brand for many key dietary supplement categories* and is what I choose to use daily. Nature Made® vitamins and supplements: An easy, convenient way to help your body get the nutritional support it needs every day, whether it be to support bone health, immune health or energy metabolism (helping convert food into energy).† Nature Made has so many vitamins, supplements and minerals to meet all your health goals and nutritional gaps (digestive support, heart health, energy metabolism, women’s health and more).
Get Help
Remember the saying, “It takes a village”? Sometimes I think that’s more for parents than the kids sake. Parenting is tiring in every way and sometimes you need a helping hand. Take up offers for help, ask for help when needed, or find help. For me, I’ll be looking into a mommy helper to give me a few hours each week during the day to catch up on work or relax and we’re going to make it a priority to have a somewhat regularly date night again so we can reconnect and have a real conversation without tending to the kids 24/7.
Take Time for Yourself
Do the best you can to carve out a little “you time”, even if it’s just 15 minutes a day. Spend that time doing something you love and enjoy. You deserve it. Take advantage of nap time and enjoy a hot coffee for once (even if it’s been reheated for the tenth time).
Take a Daily Probiotic
Probiotics are so important for gut health! Keeping a well balanced digestive system can make you feel so much better (less gas, less bloating and discomfort). Nature Made® Probiotics: Nature Made® Advanced Dual Action Probiotic has been clinically studied and provides dual support to both your small and large intestine for comprehensive coverage to help support digestive balance and healthy gut flora.† Nature Products are super easy to pick up at your local Walmart at everyday low prices too so you can easily grab them when on your weekly grocery run. A healthy gut helps me be my best self.
Think Positively
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius
For real, your mind is a powerful thing. There is always something that can get you down, but don’t let those thoughts consume you. Focus on the positive (there IS always a silver lining) and push those negatives out of your mind. The more you work on practicing positive thinking, the happier you’ll be. A gratitude journal is a great way to switch your mindset. Simply jot down a thing or two daily about what you are thankful for.
Get Active
Physical activity releases lots of feel good endorphin’s that can definitely help you feel better. Bonus points of you can be active outdoors and get some fresh air to feel refreshed. A few of favorite ways to stay active: yoga (can do anywhere) and walking/running. I buckle the kids in the stroller daily and we all enjoy a little fresh air and I love getting a workout in.
Be sure to check out and join Nature Made 30 Day Healthy Habit Builder. Their program has a ton of motivation and so many tips to help you succeed in reaching your specific health goals.
For more information on Nature Made vitamins and supplements at Walmart, visit their retailer hub and enter for a chance to win one of 60 Walmart gift cards ($50). Enter here (no purchase necessary).