How many of you breastfeeding mom’s have found themselves awkwardly crouched over with the hem of their shirt in between their teeth or tucked under their chin while nursing their babe? *raises hand*
How about the groping, squishing or poking of your breasts to figure out what side you nursed on last (please tell me that I’m not the only one that does this)? *cough, cough*
Or even worse, baby latching and unlatching non-stop while batting at a shirt that’s covering their sweet, little face? *yep*
Annoying, right?
Thankfully, NursElet has created a nifty and cute product that solves all those problems.
The NursElet nursing bracelet (invented by a mom!), simplifies nursing by securing mom’s shirt while nursing baby (or pumping). This prevents the shirt from falling and draping into baby or toddlers face during breastfeeding, which means less distractions, more comfortable nursing (no hunching), less baby wriggling and more viewing of those sweet baby cheeks. When not being used for nursing, it serves as a stylish bracelet that can remind you of which breast to use next (I always place mine on the wrist that I last nursed on).
The NursElet attaches easily with velcro, which also makes it simple to adjust for all different size wrists. They come in a wide array of beautiful colors and prints and they even offer organic cotton fabric! I love that they are machine washable and reversible too, in case of messy accidents (with kids, accidents and spills are bound to happen). The original NursElet bracelet is $15 each or two for $25. They are perfect gifts for baby showers!
NursElet waas super generous and is offering a giveaway to my readers! Enter below for a chance to win a bracelet for yourself or a loved one.
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Very interesting. I’ve heard of moms using those rubber bracelets (LiveStrong type), hairbands, etc. the same way on their wrists.
Love this idea! I used my hair thingy to do kinda the same.
I had not heard of these. How cool.
Great idea, I have never heard of a bracelet. I will definitely have to look into this when I have my next baby. And no your not the only one that does the groping, squishing and poking 🙂
Will have to show my daughter who is nursing her third child.
No kids, but it’s interesting to learn about all the different options for nursing moms. Nursing seems to be the best way to go, if you can do it.
Aw these photos are so sweet!
As a breastfeeding mom, I can assure you that you’re not the only one that does the grope and squish! My youngest can’t stand my shirt falling over his face while he’s nursing and this would be great to have to keep that from happening. It sounds like a real lifesaver!
What a wonderful idea!!!
That’s great. I just used a hair tie last time but this helps with the shirt to! 🙂
OMG where has this been in my life!! I totally tuck my shirt under my chin lol! I’m entering in the GIVEAWAY hope I win.
Back when I nursed, I didn’t have spare money for extras. We were saving for a house. Anyways, you just flip the shirt bottom over the top.
What a cool gadget. I don’t have any kids and thus haven’t breast fed, but I imagine the nurselet makes life a whole lot easier.
That beats the safety pin method I used to use by a long shot. I really like this idea!
I’m not a mommy or a mommy to be yet, but I think this is an awesome concept! I would definitely purchase this for friends as baby shower gifts!
xoxo, SS
The Southern Stylista
It has been a challenge being pregnant with an active, almost 3 year old toddler!
Well, this would be perfect for my upcoming endless days of nursings! Having to find nursing friendly shirts may be the worst part of nursing, lol! What a great idea!
This is amazing! I will have to get one of these beauties!
This is awesome