I was lucky enough to be sent some products to try through Moms Meet in exchange for my honest review. I was sent their Aluminum Free Roll-on deodorant, pH Body Restore Bath Salts, and pH Restore Tablets.
I was very skeptical about the deodorant because I typically do not like roll-ons because they leave a sticky residue and also because I was worried about the effectiveness of it. TMI, being currently being 5 months pregnant and hormonal makes my sweat glands go crazy. I waited until a weekday when I didn’t plan on having to leave the house to give the deodorant a try because I was so skeptical about it working, but I have been extremely surprised. Not only, did it go only easily and dry fast, it worked really well. No smell or wetness, at all! I’ve been using it consistently since I received it and have to say that it works just as well, if not better than my former deodorants. The only downside of this product is the cost, about $10 per roll, but it does seem to go really far. I love that it’s aluminum free, especially with concerns of breast cancer being associated with aluminum in deodorant. A few other important facts about the deodorant:
- Aluminum-free
- Fragrance-free
- Preservative-free
- Artificial Color-free
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to use the pH Restore Tablets because in pregnant and not sure of the safety of its use while pregnant. I’m looking forward to trying them in the spring post-pregnancy. Here is some information about the product from their website:
“The body naturally produces acids through our major organs, unfortunately with today’s busy lifestyles and diet, these acids levels can get out of balance, resulting in chronic hyperacidity and a variety of illness and disease. pH Restore Tablets provides optimal support for the body’s acid base in a convenient tablet form.
Why pH restore?
- Eliminates acids from the body
- Optimizes Intestinal Flora
- Better Digestion
- Improved Immune System”
The pH restore Bath Salts is an essential blend of mineral salts (baking soda, sea salt and Himalayan salt) that help support healthy blood circulation and metabolism. The alkaline bath salt blend helps smooth the effects of stress and muscle tension of today’s demanding lifestyle. It’s great for muscle recovery after training or competitions. Their bath salts leave your skin feeling healthy, smooth and silky as well. I really enjoy using this product for a quick soak after a long day when my back is beginning to ache a bit. I’m really looking forward to trying out this product at a later time when I’m back to my running training, but for now, I’m really loving it for the aches and pains that sometimes accompany pregnancy.
I’ve really enjoyed being able to try these products. If you’re interested in trying these products, please check them out at www.nutrexinusa.com. For a limited time, enter discount code MOMS2015 for 20% off and free shipping on all orders from their website.
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