Hey all! I hope that everyone had a great 4th of July and are recovering from the holiday weekend hangover. I feel like it always takes a day (or three) to recover after a busy, long weekend. The last few weekends have been crazy for us and I’m feeling a bit behind so I’m hoping to be able to catch up this week!
A few weeks ago I was tagged by Denae at Oh Chic Mom in Mummy Tag! She’s a mama to two littles and I love that she focuses on living a healthy lifestyle. Mummy Tag is a great way for all of us bloggers to learn a little more about the Moms behind the blogs.
Are you a stay at home or working Mum?
I’m a stay at home mama. Prior to kids I worked as a pharmacy technician at a large hospital and also studied public health at Central Michigan University. I try to do some writing and obviously the blog on the side, but the kiddos are definitely the number one priority. When I’m not watching them or writing, I’m running, doing yoga, reading or cooking.
Would you have it any other way?
Nope! Some days they can drive me crazy where I feel drained and touched out, but I’m so thankful to be able to be home with them every day. I feel like time flies already, that I can’t imagine how much quicker it would go if I wasn’t home every day with them. Once they’re in school, I’ll likely work again (part time, but hoping to possibly be able to monetize my blog or do more writing from home), but for now I’m enjoying these moments.
My newborn must have?
Fisher Price Rock n Play! Absolute must have. Both my kids slept in it beside our bed the first few months. Also, a Sakura Bloom ring sling! Makes it so much easier to care for newborn and toddler when you have a carrier to pop the baby into.
How many kids do you plan on having?
I’m 95% sure that Brielle is our last. I will admit, that she is the type of easy baby that makes you consider a third though.
Date Night? How often?
What’s that? Ummm, not nearly enough. With one it wasn’t as hard to get away, but with two it’s more difficult. It’s harder this time too because Brielle is exclusively breastfed and I don’t respond well to pumping so I don’t have a milk reserve to get away for more than a few hours.
What’s your child’s favorite show?
Daniel Tiger & Doc McStuffins.
What’s 1 thing you bought for your newborn and never used?
Hmmm, I honestly can’t think of anything. We didn’t splurge for too many excess items.
Child’s favorite food?
Aiden loves blueberry pancakes, oranges and bananas. B’s all about that mama’s milk.
How many cars does your family have?
1. We save so much money just having one car.
Weight gain, before pregnancy, during, after and now?
With Aiden and Brielle I gained 37 lbs each pregnancy. I’ve been able to lose most of it, besides the last 10 pounds, but I’m slowly losing it. I’m not too worried about it. At least half of it’s in the milk makers still. LOL. I don’t like to compare how much I gained to other women. Each women and pregnancy is different. As long as you’re eating healthy and remaining somewhat active during pregnancy, weight shouldn’t be the focus.
What’s your dream family holiday?
Disney!! I can’t wait to take the kids someday (when they are old enough to really enjoy it).
Dream holiday without kids?
Fiji, Costa Rica, Italy….anywhere tropical or culturally different than our norm.
How has life changed since having kids?
No free time! I never realized how much free time I had before kids. It was so easy to get out of the house and we could do whatever we want. Boy, I sure do miss sleeping in or lazy Saturday mornings in bed binging on tv shows.
Finish the sentence. It makes me melt when…
Aiden gives sweet hugs, kisses and “I love you’s”. I love seeing the bond forming between Aiden and Brielle too. Melts my heart every time.
Where do I shop for my kids?
Etsy, Kohl’s and Target. I love Etsy and small shops. If I had tons of extra money, I could easily spend it all there.
What’s your favorite makeup and skin care?
Right now, I’m loving on Pixi Glow Tonic, Exuviance DePuffing Eye Serum, Yes to Blueberries Cleansing Facial Wipes and Vichy Liftactiv Supreme cream. You can read about my skin care must have’s here.
Huggies or Pampers?
Neither! Cloth diapers 95% of the time and Luvs and Target brand while on the go and for nighttime diapers.
Have you always wanted kids?
I have, but was in no rush. We weren’t one of those couples that got married and had babies right away. We enjoyed our free time and ability to travel and wanted to be sure that we were financially set before having kiddos.
Best Part of being a Mum?
Watching them learn new things and the wonder in their eyes. I love seeing their eyes light up at a new discovery or learning about the world around them. I feel so privileged to be able to be able to follow them along this journey. The amount of love that they give is astounding too. I’ve never felt so loved and depended on until I had children.
Is there anything else that you want to know about me or my family? Let me know in the comments below. 🙂
And now, I’m tagging Vanessa at Fit Foodie Mom Life.
Wow we really did get to know you. I’m not share any pregnancy weight before or afters. Staying at home is the best.
Awww, your kids are adorable!! Mine are grown now and I worked from home (was self-employed) most of the time while they were growing up. It was tough sometimes but I’m so glad I was home.
I love your realistic comments about pregnancy weight. It’s so true. Every pregnancy is different and everyone woman is different. If the doc isn’t concerned, then you really shouldn’t be either.
How fun to read this! Your kiddos are adorable! We’re expecting twin girls in 2 months (our first and probably last kiddos LOL) so it’s always nice to hear about other moms!
I know exactly what you mean about the bond forming between siblings. It’s a total heart melter. I still love their relationship after all these years!
Thanks for letting us get to know you a bit better. Your children are both adorable and I can feel my own baby fever flaring up! I hope to be able to stay at home with my babies if/when the time comes!
Thanks for sharing it is great to get to know you.
She is such a cutie (as are her kids!). I don’t have kids yet but she gives some great tips!
Really fun to read! I love learning about people. I have three boys myself. Cute pictures! Thanks!