Shoulder Rotation Stretch
This pose will stretch the muscles of the rotator cuff and improve shoulder mobility. On an inhale keep arms straight and rise above head. On exhale, lower the strap behind your back. Inhale to bring back overhead. Repeat.
Side (Half Moon) Shoulder Stretch
On an inhale, raise the strap above your head. On exhale, reach over to the left while bringing right tricep near your left ear. Bring back to center on an inhale and repeat on other side.
seated forward fold
Use the strap to gently pull yourself deeper into the fold (keep elbows in) while being mindful to fold at the hips. Keep back straight for a more active pose.
Reclined hand to big toe
This pose allows you more space to focus on alignment and less overextension. Loop strap around your foot to gently stretch leg toward head. Option to open leg away from your midline.
Cow Face
A strap is a great tool for cow face pose as it provides additional length and support when working towards the bind. Gently tip toe fingers closer to each other using the strap.
Extended Side Angle Bind
Straps are a great tool when working towards binded poses. Use the strap to open chest and shoulders to improve mobility to work towards a bind in this pose.
Supported lunge King Pigeon Variation
From supported lunge, reach back and hook your yoga strap on your back foot. Gently pull on strap to deepen stretch in the chest, shoulders, quads and hip flexors.