Our environment plays a big role in our overall wellness. From the products we put on our body, what we clean with, use to cook and our environment can have an immense impact on our overall health. These are a few simple swaps to make your home a non-toxic, healthy environment.
Scratched plastic can leech the harmful and petroleum-based products into your food. Switching to glass is healthier & more-sustainable as well.
Switch to more non-toxic options or make your own. A few safe, natural and non-toxic brands that I like to use are Branch Basics and Grove Collaborative. Switch to Grove now and get a free gift set and receive $15 after your first purchase.
Dryer sheets are filled with synthetic fragrances and chemicals, and are harmful to the environment as they don’t decompose. Wool Dryer balls are more economical, dry clothes faster and without toxic chemicals.
Chemical compounds in Teflon have been linked to several cancers. Cast iron and stainless steel pans & pans are safer options with less leeching of chemicals into your food. Both are durable, affordable and long-lasting as well.
Many candles have synthetic and chemical fragrances and contribute to indoor air pollution. Diffusers and essential oils are a safer option with the added benefit of adding moisture to air too.
One of the simplest ways to make your home a healthy haven is to ventilate often and well. Simply opening your windows daily (even in cold months) can help circulate & refresh the air in your home. Five to 10 minutes a day is plenty!