Limit your Exposure
Check in once or twice a day (avoid it upon waking and before bed) for updates. Find reputables sources for news that avoid sensationalizing news and opinions.
Stop the Scroll
Doom-scrolling, or feeling the need to see/read every detail, can spiral you into a timesuck and be overwhelming. Put down the phone, get some fresh air and check in at set times.
Check Your Feelings
Take note of how you feel before and after viewing the news. Feeling sad? Maybe you need a break. If you find yourself tense while watching, take a break.
Control What You can
While you may not be able to change the outcome, there are things you can do. Control what and who you view, how you engage and your actions. Remind yourself of what you can control.
Take ACtion
Do something! Nothing soothes the soul more than taking action, even if it's small steps. Volunteer, donate, spread kindness..