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Inside look

Inside look

Inside look


Sciatica Stretches For Pain Relief

There are two sciatic nerves in your body that travel from your lower back, splits to both side of your body and down through your butt, thigh & to your knees. 

Sciatica pain can flare up when the nerve is irritated(pinched or compressed). Sciatica pain can range from mild to severe. 


These 7 yoga stretches will help soothe sciatica pain by relieving pain, tenderness and tightness. 

Curved Arrow

Childs Pose

This pose will stretch your spine and relieve tension. It also stretches out your hips, thighs, and lower back. You can place a pillow under your chest, forehead, or thighs for more support.

White Bag


Stretch the spine by lying on your stomach and keep forearms tucked close to you. On an inhale, gently lift your chest with forearms & palms on the ground  Exhale to release. 

White Bag


Lie on belly with palms next to you. With an inhale, push through your arms and lift chest. Press hips and legs into the ground. Hold for 10 breaths and lower to the ground. Repeat 2-3x.

Seated Twist 

Lengthen the spice while also releasing tension in lower back and hips with this gently twist. 

White Bag

Reclined Pigeon

Pigeon pose helps to release the piriformis muscle which can often compress the sciatic nerve. Lying on your back stabilizes your pelvis and makes this a gentler stretch. 

White Bag

Knees To Chest 

Loosen up your back, hips and glutes with this stretch. Lie on your back and bring knees toward chest (keep knees together). To deepen, you can bring your head towards your knees.

White Bag


Bridge pose stretches the spine and boosts circulation. Being on your back with feet towards your hips. Slowly raise your hips from the floor. Hold for a breath and slowly lower back to the floor. 

White Bag

Repeat each of these poses 5-10 times. Be mindful to listen to your body and only do what feels best for you. 

Curved Arrow