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Inside look


Yoga Stretches for the Lower Back

The lower back can be a senstitive area for many people. These beneficial yoga stretches are a great way to help relieve tension and pain. 

There can be many causes of lower back pain, such as poor posture or a weak core, so it's important to find the cause if you suffer from regular pain and aches.


These gentle lower back stretches can be helpful to relieve pain, discomfort and tension. 

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Childs Pose

This pose will stretch your spine and relieve tension. It also stretches out your hips, thighs, and lower back. You can place a pillow under your chest, forehead, or thighs for more support.

Downward Facing Dog

This pose will lengthen your spine to help relive back pain.  Start on your hands and knees . Curl your toes under, press into your shoulders, and lift your hips up and back. Bend your knees if needed to avoid rounding the back.


Stretch the spine by lying on your stomach and keep forearms tucked close to you. On an inhale, gently lift your chest with forearms & palms on the ground  Exhale to release. 

Cat / cow

Stretch your hips, chest, and back & encourage blood flow.  On an inhale, lift your sit bones and chest toward the ceiling (belly to sink toward the floor). As you exhale, round your spine toward the ceiling. Repeat.

Cobra Rolls

Lie on belly with palms next to you. With an inhale, push through your arms and lift chest. Press hips and legs into the ground. Hold for 10 breaths and lower to the ground. Repeat 2-3x.

Half Lord of the fishes

Lengthen the spice while also releasing tension in lower back and hips with this gently twist. 

Standing forward fold

Stretches the hamstrings and back muscles while providing a release for tight, tense shoulders. Stand with feet hip width distance and fold at the waist toward the floor.

Reclined Pigeon

This pose stretches the hips, butt, and inner thighs which can help relieve back tension.  Lying on your back provides support to make this a gentler stretch. 

Spinal Twist

This pose relaxes the lower back and stretches the glutes. From figure 4, lower your legs to floor and twist while keeping legs together. Extend arms and turn head in opposite direction.

Knees To Chest 

Loosen up your back, hips and glutes with this stretch. Lie on your back and bring knees toward chest (keep knees together). To deepen, you can bring your head towards your knees.


Bridge pose stretches the spine and boosts circulation. Being on your back with feet towards your hips. Slowly raise your hips from the floor. Hold for a breath and slowly lower back to the floor. 

Repeat each of these poses 5-10 times. Be mindful to listen to your body and only do what feels best for you. 

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