E-Cloth Eye Cleansing Pad Review & Giveaway!

By |2015-05-19T18:21:00-04:00May 19th, 2015|beauty, reviews|

E-cloth was wonderful enough to provide me with their eye cleansing pad to review AND host a giveaway to my readers as well.The e-cloth Cleansing Pad has soft, fine weave fibers that gently removes eye makeup from your eye area without being harsh, intense scrubbing or with the use of other chemicals. Interaction of the [...]

Influenster #XOVoxBox Review

By |2015-04-14T19:31:00-04:00April 14th, 2015|beauty, reviews|

If you haven't heard of Influenster, then you need to go sign up! I've talked about Influenster before, but will give a quick run down in case you missed it. Influenster is a company that helps link brands and products to consumers. Consumers get products free or highly discounted and in exchange review them (blogging [...]

Calling all tomato (red) faces!

By |2012-10-19T01:30:00-04:00October 19th, 2012|beauty, health|

Ok, I have a confession...My face turns beet red pretty much every time that I workout. I'm not talking about a healthy pink glow, but more like a bright red. It's especially worse if it happens to be a hot and humid day, which in Michigan is most of the summer. It's sometimes to the [...]

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