5 Tips to Increase Breast Milk Supply

By |2016-07-11T15:45:58-04:00July 11th, 2016|health, reviews|

As a nursing mom, one of my main worries is whether I'm producing enough milk for my little one. I've found that my nursing experience has been so different with each child. With Aiden, I suffered from oversupply, a super slow, nursing obsessed baby and latch issues. With Brielle, she's a quick and efficient nurser [...]

Babies in Bonnets | Little Sun Hat Giveaway

By |2016-07-08T15:13:13-04:00July 8th, 2016|reviews, style|

We've been spending so much time outside this summer and I'm always struggling to keep everyone as sun safe as possible, especially my baby girl. Since Brielle is so young (only 5 months), I have been trying to avoid using sunscreen since she's constantly touching her face and eyes and I'd rather wait to expose [...]

Five Summer Skin Care Favorites

By |2016-06-17T14:55:12-04:00June 17th, 2016|beauty, reviews|

I've really been focusing on improving my skin this past month. I was finding that I was having super dry skin between all the sun and AC being pumped through our house and dealing with issues of an uneven skin tone. I'm highlighting five of my most used, loved skin care favorites. 1.  Exuviance DePuffing [...]

Baby Keepsake Memory Blanket Dog ft. Stitches by Natalie

By |2016-06-10T18:43:44-04:00June 10th, 2016|family, reviews|

I'm a super sap for personalized and sentimental gifts as you've likely noticed from previous posts, such as my Mother's Day gift, cute superhero capes and personalized blankets. Sentimental gifts just pull at my heart strings and are guaranteed to be a winner. Just knowing that they are one of kind and the special meaning [...]

Lemonade Pomegranate Mojito ft. Santa Cruz Organic #KeepOnCruzin

By |2016-06-02T13:24:51-04:00June 2nd, 2016|food, reviews|

It's nearly summertime which means sunshine, beaches, backyard barbecues and drinks! There's nothing I love more than a light and refreshing mojito and I wanted to share my twist on a regular summer classic. Lately I've really been digging on lemonade. It's the quintessential summertime drink and I absolutely love Santa Cruz Organic lemonade and [...]

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