Hey guys! It’s been awhile!
Life’s been crazy around here with a new baby and being first time parents, but it’s been AWESOME! Our lives have been flipped around and everything is new and each day is an adventure. We’ve been so blessed with an easy and laid back baby and for that I’m extremely grateful and I’ll be sure to post a baby update very soon.
Now that things have calmed down somewhat, I’ve been getting back into a workout routine. I’ve always had a really hard time keeping myself accountable so one of my ways to stick to it is to sign up for races and other athletic events. I’ve recently signed up for my first post-pregnancy 5k and it’s the Cinco de Mayo 10k/5k run/walk on May 3rd at Swartz Creek Golf Course in Flint, Michigan.
I LOVE themed events like these. It just adds a flare of fun to the events. Not only is there the fun run to look forward to, but we get sombreros, Qdoba at the after party, Adirondack chairs at the finish line to celebrate in and tech shirts that I’m sure are going to be awesome (tech shirts are always a thumbs up in my book). I’m still trying to figure out my outfit and am thinking that my old work shirt from the Mexican restaurant I worked at might come in handy. 😉
To prep I’ve been running 3-4 days a week and adding in some circuit training on other days. Hopefully all this will help me get back to pre-baby body. 😉 I’m feeling pretty good so far with the distance but my pace sure has slowed down, a LOT. That’s okay though, I’ll get there and at least taking steps to get back to my prior level. Part of this race course is on the CRIM route with the hills, so I’m looking forward to checking it out since the CRIM is another potential run that I’d like to do this summer. It’ll be a nice practice run for early season.
As for other races I’m looking forward too…I’m taking a HUGE leap and signing up for a TRIATHLON through TriToFinish! I’m scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. I can’t wait to tell you more about it and how I am training for it, but for now I’ve a little teething baby boy to give some cuddles too. If you’re thinking about doing one, let me know! 🙂
If you’re interested in signing up for the Cinco de Mayo run let me know and sign up here. We have a small group running right now and would love to have more join us.
How do you hold yourself accountable for exercising?
Do you have any fun races planned for the summer?
Any training tips (especially for speeding up pace)?
Yeah! That one looks really fun and I'm sure you'll do great. I still have to sign up for a tri. I keep putting it off. Maybe if spring ever really shows up and I can get outside on my bike I might feel more comfortable.
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