Chances are you know this feeling well. For me, it usually sneaks into my brain those first calm moments at the end of the day when I’m lying in bed. There’s blissful silence, I’m finally not being needed or constantly touched by someone and I can think clearly about all the ups and downs of the day. The rough moments are what always pop into my head first. Those moments where I lost my cool, when I acted more like a toddler than the toddler did, when I said “no” but really should have said “yes” more, when I felt like I couldn’t stand another minute of being pulled on, touched or needed…you know the drill. In the darkness of my bed, the nagging feeling of not quite living up to the expectations that I put on myself takes hold. As moms, we tend to berate ourselves and can be our worst critics.
I love being mom, but damn, some days it can be overwhelming.
Social media is a great thing, but it certainly can also play mind games. Most feeds are full of sweet, perfect moments. No one wants to air their dirty laundry or less than perfect selves. I try to do a mix of the good and bad to help portray how motherhood really is, but let’s be honest, no one wants a Debbie Downer or to focus on the negative. Plus, putting ourselves out there puts us at risk for being judged, and we all know that there are already copious amounts of mom shaming out there (Gorilla Mom, anyone?).
It doesn’t help that everywhere you look, people have opinions and guidelines on what you should (or shouldn’t) do as a parent. Some are mere suggestions, but some are pushed so heavily that it wears on you after awhile. Bottom line, we all have this idea in our head as to what a perfect parent is and what they should/shouldn’t do. Being a mom is a huge part of my identity so I often feel pressure that those good, bad and wonderful moments are a reflection or indication of how I’m handling this parenting thing. Despite that, kids are kids, and sometimes they can be wild, crazy and their temperaments can play a huge factor in behaviors and attitudes.
The power of thought is a powerful thing. I’m going to do my best to work on alleviating the “mommy guilt” and change it in when those late night thoughts and those moments of doubt sneak in.
Below are a few of the ways I’m working on dealing with “Mommy Guilt”:
Focus on the Good
Focus on the things that went well: the laughs, snuggles, the cute phrases, pleases and thank you’s, the look of pride when something new is learned or a feat or hiccup is endured. Those little moments are what matter, not that they had chicken nuggets 3 times this week (it happens).
Count to Three
Seriously. Most of my guilt comes from outburst when my patience has been tried too many times. Instead of reacting, count to 3 in order to allow you to think before reacting. Not only does this help anger/frustration dissipate and for you to be more mindful to why your upset, but it also teaches your child(ren) a new way to handle anger as well.
Figure Out If It Really Matters
Is your guilt justified? Most times I find it’s really not a big blip on the radar long term. If it is something that you think needs to be handled, find new ways to handle it. Find a happy medium somewhere and makes goals and steps to work towards. And as for that other “stuff” – let it go! Don’t let it sneak in and take away from those moments when you were a rockstar parent (which you are, by the way!).
Find a Mom Tribe
Sometimes you just need to vent and let it out. That tribe doesn’t even have to be in person (although that real life social interaction is definitely needed, especially if you’re a SAHM). I have several great online groups of “friends” that are there for a vent session along with a small group of mamas that live nearby. This prevents me from venting all the days frustrations to my husband when he walks in the door from work too (although, that definitely happens).
Social Media Lies
Remember, most people only post what they want others to see. Pinterest makes it seem like every parent should plan the most spectacular and amazing events, playtimes, dinners, birthdays, lesson plans, you-name-it. You don’t see the every day battles, tantrums, tears, spilled milk, piles of laundry that plague us all on the rollercoaster ride of parenting.
A bad day (or bad moment), doesn’t make a bad mom. Let’s stop putting ridiculous stress on ourselves to be perfect Pinterest parents. Embrace the mommy guilt, but don’t let it take over. A little guilt now and then means you care, but stop comparing yourself to everyone and stop beating yourself up over it. You know what’s best for you and your family and ultimately, that’s the only thing that matters.
Love this! My mom guilt hits me hard at night. I lay in bed, not being able to fall asleep, feeling guilty about the day. I think that I didn’t feed my son enough healthy foods and I didn’t do tummy time long enough with my daughter. It’s hard to fight the feelings – thanks for offering some tips on combatting it!
Ahhh yes! This is so true. Social media can be an evil culprit in this case. Thanks for highlighting that. I need a mama tribe. That’s a good one.
I swear it’s the hardest part of being a parent! But you will get through it
There are days when the baby is fussy and work is busy and nothing is going right and I sometimes use TV to just veg out and disconnect. Then I feel guilty like I shouldn’t be watching TV, I should be enjoying every single minute and second that I have with my baby before going back to work full time. But it’s hard being “on” 24/7!
I’ve been there, I get it! I love all these tips. When I feel like the day just needs to be over, i’ll put the kids to bed a bit early. When my son was younger, he didn’t know what time it was, but now we just tell him he can play in his room for a little, then go to bed. This is the extreme version of your “count to three” 🙂 You’re right, comparison doesn’t help anyone. Great tips! thanks
Gosh I preach this all the time. Guilt is so pointless and non productive!
Love this! I have a post about mom guilt on my blog as well, with another one coming. And your right, it’s always there but it really creeps in at night time. I feel like it’s a sign that we love our children and are looking for ways to improve, ways to be a better mom. It can be overwhelming, but it’s not entirely a bad thing!
Oh mama ! I feel you so much on this . I love the tips you gave and I’m sure the tips you listed will help a mama late at night 🙂
What you described at the beginning of your post was me in bed last night! I laid in my bed – perfectly quiet house – and beat myself up for my imperfections throughout the day. Really? My kids are fine, they had a great day. I just need to let go and give myself grace. Thanks. 🙂
I am so thankful that I don’t buy into the mommy guilt. I do; however; deal with guilt with having a chronic illness. It has taken a toll on me. I need to start a simple gratitude journal so that I can focus on the positive.
Great post! I’m certain that all moms struggle with mommy guilt. At the end of the day, I try to focus on all the good moments and remind myself that tomorrow is a new day!
this is so spot on! Counting to three is a must … or in my case maybe 10 🙂
I try to be real on social media, but it is hard when everyone else is posting those perfect moments. One of the other things I try to do is make sure I apologise to my kids if I lose my temper. It helps them to see what a nice apology looks like and makes me feel less guilty for loosing it.
Important to find a mom tribe as you call it. Support and just being able to talk to another adult is such a big thing for stay at home moms. No guilt all you moms are doing a great job.
Yes! Focusing on the good and remembering that social media lies is so good! I have to remind myself of these things too often.
Awesome! It is so important to remember not to be too hard on ourselves, give ourselves a little grace and know that we are doing the best we can! Thank you for writing this!
Mum tribe is great but it has to be real, shields down, admit the ugly, kind of friendship. You need to be able to call these friends and say “Yes, I just completely lost my $#@&.” and have them say “Totes been there.”
I’m not a mom and don’t plan on having kids so I can’t speak to much on this except for what I’ve been told by friends and family members that are. I think in general it’s easy to let the outside world makes feel like we aren’t where we are supposed to be in life but comparison is a deadly game no matter what you are comparing; jobs, looks, talents, parenting skills, love, etc. There are mother’s who don’t even stick around so if you are there and you are trying you are rocking it. Some times you have to pat yourself on the back, take a few deep breaths and just keep going.
Love this! I am way too quick to compare myself with other mamas. I just have to keep reminding myself that I have a happy, intelligent little boy and I am doing a great job!
yes to all of this! Comparison is the thief of joy, so don’t let what you see on social media phase you! It’s like photo albums.. you only select the best pictures! 😉
I don’t have any kids yet, but these tips are definitely true for a lot of other “guilt” feelings. Comparison is death!
I kept hearing about mommy guilt. For some reason I have no problem with that what so ever.
Love this! It is so easy to fall into the comparison trap. Finding a tribe makes such a difference.
Great tips! I hate dealing with Mommy Guilt, as it seems to pop up at the worst possible times.
Stopping yourself from those quick reactions by counting is a good idea! It can be hard to do sometimes.
Finding a mom tribe has really helped me. Especially since I’ve become a blogger, I’ve connected with so many inspiring women who understand the joys and trials of motherhood. You listed some really great suggestions. I also like your suggestion of focusing on the good.
Even though these are for moms, applying a lot of those principles for myself right now. I’m in a super stressful period and can use them!
I think that social media, especially as a blogger, can make the mommy guilt all too real sometimes. We see other blogging moms looking perfectly put together for their Target trip or planning the perfect event or cooking in a clean kitchen, and we wonder what value we could possibly bring to an audience or our own children for that matter. It’s easy to get caught up in the lie, and I love that you called attention to that.
I’ve been counting to three a whole lot lately
I’m gonna have to save this post…due to the fact that I’m due with twin girls this month…I’m sure I’ll need it!
I’m passing this on to my sister, she’s such a great mom but sometimes beats her self up over the “mommy guilt” and I hate that for her!
xoxo, SS
Southern And Style
Even after 5 kids I have mom guilt. It never seems to go away with me.