Oh goodness, sleep is such a constant battle in our home. I feel like for the last 3+ years I haven’t slept a full night ever, whether it be pregnancy discomfort, newborn baby, teething, toddler musings and so on. The truth is, our kids just are not good sleepers. We’ve tried everything in the books, scoured the internet and talked with all of our friends and family and nothing seems to work to consistently get our kids to sleep through the night. For the most part, our 3 year old is finally sleeping through the night 90% of the time, but his nearly 1 year old sister is still fighting the sleep battle. Last night she was up every 2 hours. *yawn*
It’s exhausting. Physically and mentally.
The one small win that I have had is nap time with my daughter. We were constantly fighting nap time and stuck with multiple attempts and then short (30-40 minute) naps that frustrated me to no end and seemed to zoom by. Enter DockATot Grand and we finally got a little more sleep and rest!
DockATot is a portable dock that provides a safe, soothing and comforting environment for babies. It’s shape and design allows babies and toddlers to feel nestled comfortably to allow for better sleep and rest. The mattress pad and bumpers are made from air permeable material and provides a safer option for children if parents choose to co-sleep by preventing parents from rolling onto baby.
When it first arrived both of my children were so excited for it and could not step cuddling in it. The next day I decided to give it a try at nap time and couldn’t believe it. When I laid her down, she immediately cuddled in and got comfortable. She usually pops up immediately and the nap time battle begins all over again. I quickly and quietly tip-toed out of her room and stared at the monitor in amazement that she fell asleep and stayed asleep for 2+ hours. TWO HOURS! I was skeptical and thought that maybe it was a fluke, but our naps are finally 2 hours on the average.
Thank you, DockATot.
Love, one tired yet hopeful mama.
Aside from being a nap time miracle, the DockATot is perfect for lounging during the day during quiet times, impromptu diaper changes, and easily travels. We recently took it to my parents for a late date night (first in 11 months) and much to our surprise she was sleeping when we arrived home. Since Brielle is a climber, I’m sure that we’ll have to transition her out of a crib earlier than her brother and I think that the DockATot will be essential during that time for the crib to big girl bed transition.
My only complaint about DockATot: not getting one sooner. I marvel at the thought of how much more sleep we could have had. I would have loved to have one for those early months when our babies wanted to be held 24/7. I remember vividly fighting to stay awake in bed while holding a sleeping baby for fear of co-sleeping unsafely. I can say that without a doubt that I would have absolutely loved to have a DockATot to catch some extra Zzz’s with them safely asleep next to me.
Disclaimer: I was provided a DockATot in Exchange for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please do your own research regarding safe sleep for babies and ask your medical professional questions about safe sleep practices.
I’m the Grandma , this was the first time I had sat with baby girl , on visit’s she liked me.But sitting with her the first time and it being pass her bedtime, I was a little worried. I was holding her as she started to fall asleep, I laid her down in DockATo and she curled up and slept for hours. She had climbed into it while playing earlier . I’d say our whole family loves it.
That’s amazing! I had a horrible sleeper for my first child- the sleep deprivation nearly drove me insane! Seriously, I thought I had PPD (and I still might have), but as soon as she started sleeping through the night, it was gone. I’m so glad you found a solution!
I really need to get a dock a tot for this baby. i’m determined that this girl is going to be my “good sleeper” since her big bro and sis have made it so mama hasn’t slept in like 5 years…
I have heard so many good things about the DockATot! If we have another baby I really think I need to get one!
Those things sound so amazing! I cannot wait to have one when we have another baby
If I have another little one, I definitely need to get this! SO incredible and such a genius idea!
Fantastic!!! I’m putting this on my list for sure!!
So glad you’re catching more zzzz’s momma!!
This is great to know … especially if we have another one! 🙂
Lately my 4 month old has been sleeping terribly! I know there’s the 4 month regression,but it’s killing me. We do cosleep but this looks like it would be amazing! He is about to outgrow his current cosleeper so this would be an awesome option.
I seriously need to get one of these for my kiddos to use.
I thought this was just for babies! But now that I see how awesome it’s working for your almost 1-year old, I may give it a try!
I sure wish I would’ve had this for my youngest. She was our challenging sleeper to say the least. I would love one for myself too lol.
Oh gosh I wish they had these in my part of the world! I co-sleep with my daughter and so nap time is basically an hour of us lying in bed together while she bounces up and down on top of me and sings every song in her repertoire, followed by a 20-minute catnap. I MISS NAPS~
Oh boy, I think I need one. We have two rough sleepers ourselves. Our son still doesn’t sleep thru the night & all of a sudden babtmy girl won’t sleep longer than an hour at a time. We had to lower her crib all thr way down amd now I’m struggling to lower her in without waking her up. Dockatot sounds like it could be a solution!
I’m for SURE getting one of these… I need it ASAP.
Dockatot seriously is amazing! My toddlers love it!
I’ve been seriously debating about getting one. It’s hard to justify the price when it’s your second kid. This is a great review! It’s making it harder for me to say no to getting one!