It’s ten days into the new year and if you’ve made New Years resolutions they’re likely going strong or the urge to complete them is starting to wane. I’ve never been a person that thought that the beginning of the New Year was the only time set resolutions and goals, but I do enjoy having the feeling of a fresh start.
A few of my resolutions and goals for this year are:
– Read 40 books (I’m on Goodreads if you’d like to follow and join the yearly challenge)
– Swear less (my potty mouth sometimes get the best of me).
– Run a 10k (I’d really love to a Tough Mudder as well, but one thing at a time).
– Get my 5k PR under 25 minutes.
– Work toward being able to accomplish yoga inversions.
– Blog once a week (at least).
So far…it’s been going pretty well. I’ve already finished two books, signing up for the Pot O’Gold Fun Run Walk (4 miles so working towards getting to that 10k and hopefully working on speed at the same time), and have been actively working towards yoga inversions (finally can do Salamba Sirsasana – supported headstand – one of these days I’ll get to the handstand).
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Love this! I set some goals on my blog right after NYE. I've cut my caffeine addiction, which is HUGE. I'll find you on GoodReads, too.
Thanks! I've been cutting back on caffeine too (switched to drinking a lot more caffeine free tea and just hot water w/lime or lemon and honey). How is nixing the caffeine addiction going? I should add getting to know my camera better to mine too. 🙂